The Department of justice is investigating the company for giving subprime mortgage securities top ratings just before they imploded. 美国司法部(TheDepartmentofJustice)正在对该公司就其在次级抵押贷款证券崩盘前仍给予这些证券最高评级一事展开调查。
Rules governing the fixed income securities that banks and institutional investors can hold, and in what amounts, rely on credit ratings. 规定银行及机构投资者可持有以及持有多少固定收益证券的法规条例依赖于相应证券的信用评级。
Hauled before Congress to explain why their assessments of mortgage-backed securities had proved so off the mark, the ratings agencies pleaded ignorance: no one had seen the crash coming. 国会曾询问那些评级机构,他们此前对房贷证券的评估为什么如此离谱,这些机构的回答很没有道理:那时没有任何人看到崩溃的迹象。
The Gaussian copula model, which was intended to measure default probability, failed to identify toxic structured securities and led to massive errors in valuation and credit ratings, says Triana. 特里亚纳表示,用于衡量违约可能性的高斯关联结构模型(gaussiancopulamodel),未能辨识出有毒结构性证券,致使估值与信贷评级出现了巨大差错。
Finally, the Basel Accords made a mistake when they gave securities held by banks substantially lower risk ratings than regular loans: they ignored the systemic risks attached to concentrated positions in securities. 最后,巴塞尔系列协议犯下了一个错误,它给予银行所持证券的风险等级远低于常规贷款:忽略了证券仓位集中所构成的系统性风险。
US banks have responded to the liquidity squeeze by issuing record amounts of preferred shares and other "hybrid" Securities a move that has bolstered their balance sheets but has caused concerns among credit ratings agencies. 美国各银行已通过发行创纪录数量的优先股及其它“混合”证券,来应对流动性紧缩的问题此举为银行资产负债表提供了支撑,但引发了信用评级机构的担忧。
In a typical CDO, senior securities can achieve credit ratings much higher than those of the underlying debt-sometimes triple-A, the same rating as US government securities. 在一个典型的CDO里,高级证券可以获得比相关债务高得多的评级&有时是AAA级,与美国政府证券评级相同。
Some securities have lost almost a third of their value even though many were considered so safe that they carried top-notch ratings from the credit ratings agencies. 一些证券的价值已损失近三分之一即使其中有很多被视为非常安全,得到了信用评级机构的最高评级。
Mr McCreevy has invited European securities regulators to meet in September to discuss ratings agencies and the problems that have surfaced with regard to rating structured products. 迈克里维已邀请欧洲各证券监管机构于9月份会晤,讨论评级机构和它们为结构性产品评级中存在的问题。
The issuers seek high ratings for their securities and thus direct their business to those agencies most willing to provide such ratings. 发行者希望其证券能获得较高评级,因此会把评级业务交给那些愿意提供较高评级的机构。
Before the release of research report, information related to core viewpoint has flown to the market, particular customers of securities institutions bought in, and after the release of the ratings, these particular customers began to dump, thus resulting in the ahead of reaction. 研究报告在未公开发布之前,相关信息以及核心观点已经流向市场。证券机构的特定客户率先买入被推荐的个股,等评级发布之后,这些特定客户开始大量抛售股票,造成提前反应。